An interesting Business program placed in Jambi by Industry and Trade Jambi Provincial office is arranged for buyer meet seller at the place, with detail below :
Program name : Pasar Agro / Agriculture Seller's Market
Event Time schedule : Gradually each 3 months/ 4 times in a year, next event on April 7 th 2008 in jambi
Event Coordinator : Industry and Trade Jambi Provincial Office
Participant : Buyer & Seller, Sellers are from all Jambi region,some Buyers are cames from abroad ( Singapore, Malaysia, etc )
Commodity : All Agriculture Commodities, eg : Ikan Patin/Pegasus Jambal Fish, Potatoes, Biji Pinang ( Areca/Bettle nut ), Rubbers, minyak nilam( essensial Oil ),copra,charcoal, casiavera etc.
Add information : Seller bring product xample, description of volume and quality of product which is available in stock and start opening the price / bargaining.
All participant either from domestic or abroad are welcome joint the program, interested ?, please let us know for your further information and contact us.
Senin, 17 Maret 2008
Jambi Interesting Business Program
Senin, 03 Maret 2008
Potency Products from Jambi
Jambi Region had many potential product from Natural resources likes :
1. Oil Palm Estate Crop ( Kelapa Sawit )
2. Coconut Estate Crop ( Kelapa )
3. Rubber Plantation ( Karet )
4. Coffee
5. Casiavera ( Cinnamon )
6. Fishery Product ( Perikanan )
7. Others Commodities : Areca, Potato, Kerinci Tea, Fish water pond, Cacao, fruits and Vegetable, Pegassus Djambal ( patin ), etc.
For Investor who interested invest in Jambi, there are several items below are available in the area of jambi :
1. Fish Pond Cultivation
2. Sea Produces Manufacture
3. Nila Gift Cultivation ( Float Net System )
4. Fishery Produce Manufacture
5. Casiavera Development
6. Avocado Plants Development
7. Diary Cow Cultivation
8. Cow Lubricating
9. Srimpond Cultivation
10. Rubber Old wood and Rubber Plant
11. Mineral Stones & Mining
12. Industries Further Processing Product ( like CPO,CCO,Rubber etc )
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