Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
Kamis, 08 September 2011
Smog covered the city ( weather review )
last few days, Jambi covered by smog (smoke haze) due to land fires ( bush and plantation) that causes limited visibility, and disruption of transportation, Jambi during the peak of the current dry season, in addition to land fires and dry season, small incidents have already caused hundreds of homes burn and river/water surface decreased
although there is also land burned in Jambi region but provisional estimated ..smog covered the city of Jambi comes from provinces outside Jambi
peoples hope the problem of land fires and smog could be overcome and be solved sooner so that will not cause asphyxiate especially for infants, more need to be done if the problem gets worse.(learn to write Review in english version)
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011
"Dragon's blood" ( biodiversity review)
Dragon blood is another name for Daemonorop draco,in particular Daemonorops draco, produces a red resin known as "Dragon's blood", Daemonorops Polysaccharides found in some species are known for medicinal Their anti-coagulant properties.
dragon blood is derived from a plant named jernang,which are easily found in tropical area including Jambi,since the number of land-use change (of plantations), the number of tree species is diminishing,and dragon blood products increasingly difficult to find
how about the opportunities of economic botany named dragon blood or Daemonorops draco in future? easily or could not be found, Tell me....
Minggu, 24 April 2011
Sado di Jambi ( Travelers Review )
Sado dikenal sebagai alat transportasi tradisional di Kota Jambi, saking terkenalnya pada era tempoe doeloe sampai menjadi Ikon nama Tempat yang sering disebut SIMPANG SADO yang lokasinya dekat pasar buah, tapi kondisi sekarang sedikit memprihatinkan dengan pesatnya kemajuan alat transportasi modern. Ayo naik sado keliling kalau ke Jambi....
Senin, 04 April 2011
Jambi Emas
akan ada banyak perkembangan di beberapa tahun mendatang (2015, dekat tuh !), melalui ketepatan program, integritas, komitmen dan niat yg tulus, rekonsiliasi internal pada saat yg prima di awal program, anda akan dapat melihat hasil nantinya antara lain:
Read More about Jambi Emas.....>>>
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
Jambi Anniversary
Gubernur Jambi H. Hasan Basri Agus
Provinsi Jambi dibentuk pada tanggal 6 Januari 1957, yang semula keresidenan Jambi, dan untuk merayakan hari jadi jambi ini diadakan pameran Produk UKM yang berlokasi di Lapangan kantor Gubernur Telanaipura
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