Jambi are crowded today !, so much peoples come for celebrating HARGANAS ( Hari Keluarga Nasional ) and BBRGM ( Bulan Bakti Gotong Royong Masyarakat ) ke XV where held in Jambi from 25 June untill 30 June 2008, total people come and visited Jambi about 6.500 from All over Region / Province in Indonesia ( about 33 Regions /province ) start from Aceh till very far Province like Papua Barat, each region send 100 - 300 participants to joining this programme and activities in HARGANAS.
HARGANAS ( Hari Keluarga Nasional ) or its means Family National Days which celebrating Annually and take place in the capital of the Province, and this year Jambi turn as a central of the celebration.if Indonesia do not have National Family Planning Program it will be added more than million baby birth every years !
as Impact of that many various hotel either International hotels or Home stay was really full, many activities are done like Trade and Business Exhibition followed by all over region from Indonesia with various goods like handicraft, food and beverages, ornament, electronic and even vehicle which the main product of each participant region, Jambi people fell very happy because we able to find the other souvenir from the other side of Indonesia that we never seen before or will never found in Jambi Market. besides we can compare the progress development of other region, because our Indonesia is very Big and Large Country which has many Various language and tribes, food and religion in each Province.
The Trade and Business Exhibition was opened by Mrs. Mufidah Yusuf Kalla ( vice president wife ).
Kamis, 26 Juni 2008
Celebrating HARGANAS AND BBGRM In Jambi
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