Jambi related to Turki, is it real ? yes !, Some centuries ago, old jambi region was le ad/managed by sultan ( king ) called Datuk Tuanku Berhala, Datuk Tuanku Berhala is from Turki who married with Putri Pinang Masak the princess from Pagaruyung Kingdom located in west Sumatra, they lived in Jambi and become King and queen of Jambi, until now we easily can find his historical remain in Jambi such as Island named Pulau Berhala, in this island rest in peace Datuk Paduka Berhala ( king of Jambi ), now a days that island become traveling island for people of jambi besides finding ancient jambi and historical remains of Datuk Tuanku Berhala, The island is not very big and sorounding by blue sea with white sands beach, very beautiful island.
if you are traveling in Jambi besides you can visit Pulau Berhala you can also visit Candi Muaro Jambi ( Muaro Jambi Temple ) which holy place for hindu budha religion, but the temple is build in batu bata ( soil Block) not made from stone, and that is why Jambi was also said one of the location of Sriwijaya kingdom (eventhougt is still in dicussion)
Jumat, 18 April 2008
Jambi related to Turky
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